
Spills of oils and fuels into the marine environment present a challenge not only to respond quickly to stop the spill from spreading, but also having the right equipment in order to clean up and remove contaminants from the water.

Through its network partners, Prenco provides worldwide proven solutions and marine spill response equipment, backed up with qualified training wherever the client is based, in the Australasian region. This equipment and service is the same as currently provided to Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), so you can be assured of the level of quality.

Prenco currently offers:

  • Oil spill containment booms in small to major spill sizes
  • Oil spill skimmers and recovery absorbents
  • Decontamination equipment
  • Oil spill storage equipment and on-going maintenance service
  • Oil spill response vessels
  • Various ancillary equipment
  • On-site marine spill response training service

New release in 2013 – the rapid oil containment barrier

Features of the rapid oil containment barrier (ROC) include:

  • Suitable for first response to an oil / fuel spill in the marine environment, as well as rivers, creeks, drainage channels and wetlands
  • The 304m containment boom can be deployed from a space-saving, hand-held container while driving a vessel around the spill at up to 55km/hr
  • Helps stop the spread of the spill using an oil-attracting laminate film and contains it until larger response equipment can be mobilised
  • Multiple units can be connected together

Contact Prenco for a quote on any marine spill response equipment or training.