Whether you are shipping Caterpillar dozers, Hitachi excavators or Komatsu dump trucks, our very experienced crew knows exactly what is required to transport heavy equipment in the safest and most economical shipping configuration because shipping mining machinery is our core business.
Freightplus provides full mobilization/demobilization of and specializes in moving even the largest of mining machines between remote and challenging locations, often with no road access. Without a doubt, Freightplus is the best company for shipping mining machinery between remote locations. From towable gensets to 1,000-tonne diggers, coal feeders to tailing thickeners, there is nobody more experienced or better qualified to ship mining equipment in full, on-time, within budget.
Whether it’s the simple port to port shipment of a single dozer or managing the complete mobilization of equipment from multiple sources to a turn-key project in a remote location, you can rest easy in the knowledge we know exactly what to do.
There is a lot more to shipping mining machinery than figuring out how to move something large, from one place to another, based on the weight and dimensions of your equipment.
If you’re wondering how to select the right freight forwarder to ship mining machinery for your organization, a good test is to simply give them the make and model of the machine and where you want it shipped from and to. For example; five Komatsu 930E-4SEs, with factory 2:1 heap bodies, to ship from mine site X at Fort McMurray, Canada, to mine site Y at Mount Isa, Australia. Or a CAT 6060 backhoe, from Callao, Peru to Rockport, KY42369… if the person you’re talking to needs to ask you for shipping weights and dimensions or doesn’t know how to configure your machine for road transport in either origin or destination country, or about U.S. EPA requirements for mining equipment, or how to satisfy Australian Biosecurity conditions for used machinery, or road permit requirements in Alberta, Canada … you probably don’t want them shipping your multi-million-dollar assets around the world!
Freightplus employs only the best and most experienced with shipping mining and construction equipment. Choosing the most appropriate shipping method to ship heavy equipment can be difficult if it’s not your primary function so it’s essential to engage forwarders who specialize in shipping heavy equipment. Freightplus moves thousands of pieces of mine equipment every year using a combination of scheduled RORO services, break bulk and container vessels and dedicated ship charters for larger packages of mining equipment.
We pride ourselves on understanding the language of the heavy machinery industry. Tell even our most junior operator that you want to ship a used CAT D11T with SU blade, multi-shank rippers and ROPs and they’ll know exactly what machine you’re talking about, the most cost-effective shipping configuration for getting it to its intended destination on time, in good condition.
Simple, Fast Quotes at Your Fingertips
Freightplus maintains an extensive technical database with machinery specifications of almost every make and model of mining machinery, plant and equipment. This means you don’t have the hassle of having to provide technical drawings or machinery specifications whenever you are shipping heavy mobile machinery and fixed plant from one country to another. For major shipping routes, Freightplus can give you an accurate quote for shipping mining machinery, in under 60 minutes. For urgent budgetary pricing on the run, our mobile app for shipping mining equipment will give you an accurate shipping cost in under 60 seconds.