
Martin Engineering’s 79 years of experience led us to understand that avoiding material loss is one of the main challenges for industries that handle bulk material.

The advancement of technology combined with Martin’s experience has allowed us to develop cleaners with high cleaning efficiency without putting employees at risk.  We understand that the better the quality of the cleaner, the better its performance on the belt and, therefore, the whole process will benefit.

We are aware that there are several types of cleaners on the market, but not all of them are able to carry out the task of cleaning the belt well. Not to mention other factors that are decisive for choosing a cleaner, such as its maintenance and effectiveness (an important factor where many do not have great advantages), long-term use and especially the cost-benefit.

Our Primary Belt Cleaners are a cutting-edge solution for the bulk material handling industry, designed to remove carryback material efficiently and effectively from conveyor belts. These advanced cleaning systems offer a range of benefits and differentials that set them apart from traditional conveyor belt cleaning methods. Our belt cleaners are also engineered to be easy to maintain, including the installation of new blades.

They are engineered to clean bulk material from conveyor belts thoroughly and can accommodate belt widths up to 120 inches (3,000 mm) with belt speeds up to 2,000 fpm (10 m/s). Our products are manufactured with the highest-quality steel, so they are durable and rugged.

One of the key benefits of these blade cleaners is their exceptional cleaning efficiency. They remove carryback material, such as dust, fines, and spillage, effectively preventing material buildup on the return side of the belt. This not only enhances safety by reducing the risk of fugitive material escaping from the conveyor system but also improves conveyor efficiency, minimizing product loss and reducing clean-up efforts.

Plus, Martin Engineering is the worldwide leader in the development of high-performance urethanes for specialized applications, which means our primary cleaners keep conveyor systems cleaner, safer, and more productive.

They are a smart investment for any bulk material handling operation, delivering cost savings, increased productivity, and improved safety while maintaining environmental compliance.

Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help.