On 23 May 2019, REDWAVE and BTW Plant Solutions, departments of BT-Wolfgang Binder GmbH, opened their new, state-of-the-art, six-storey office building at Wolfgang Binder Straße in Brodersdorf.
As part of an exclusive opening ceremony, REDWAVE acting as host presented its new 2,400m² office complex and also allowed a glimpse behind the scenes in the assembly halls of approximately 5,000m². The many prominent guests, such as Deputy State Governor, Mag. Michael Schickhofer, or State Councillor, MMag.a Barbara Eibinger-Miedl were among the first to get a view of the new office building in Brodersdorf. Ing. Markus Binder, Managing Director of BT-Group Holding GmbH, gave the inaugural speech on behalf of his father Ing. Wolfgang Binder (principal owner of BT-Wolfgang Binder GmbH), who was unfortunately in hospital following a sports accident at that time.
Company founder and co-owner Ing. Heinrich Fuchs then gave a speech, which was followed by a presentation by his daughter and Managing Director, Mag.(FH) Silvia Schweiger-Fuchs, that gave a deeper insight into the company and its endeavours to promote the recycling economy and develop internationally.
In a recorded message, Kommerzialrat Hans Roth, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Saubermacher Dienstleitungs AG, recounted how he made the decision to go with REDWAVE as far back as 12 years ago and stressed how his gut-feel and technical appreciation in taking the decision had proven to be right even back then. Today REDWAVE is integrated across ten of the company plants.
As he explained: “I admire the company, which has grown from a humble background to become a global enterprise that has achieved great success in many countries. This is truly an exceptional Styrian success story!”
A moving blessing of the building was given by Monsignor Mag. Dr Gerhard Hörting, after which the guests crossed over the bridge connecting the new company complex with the assembly hall, to view material sorting tests, which allowed them to gain an idea of how material recycling functions.
The invited guests were then treated to good food and music and after which they had the opportunity of joining an extended tour of the building together with our Managing Director, Ing. Manfred Hödl.
The event really livened up towards the end of the opening ceremony. An impressive acrobatic Rock ‘n’ Roll display was given by a total of eight acrobats and really rocked the assembly hall in Wolfgang Binder Straße.