NETZSCH proudly announces that for the second time since 2011, it will be presented with a highly appreciated best practices award by Frost & Sullivan, the US-based growth partnership company.
In its motivation statement, Frost & Sullivan explains that the 2014 Global Product Leadership Award in Progressive Cavity Pumps for Oil and Gas was issued by evaluating total client experience and strategy implementation excellence using a score-card, including ten benchmark criteria for both product leadership and management culture, which has set NETZSCH apart from other companies in the field.
Frost & Sullivan recognises that the dynamics within the oil and gas industry are constantly changing. Innovativeness, uniqueness, customer values and matching the needs of the end customers are the key ingredients for success in this highly competitive market.
To gain market share, pump manufacturers must introduce new and better technology to replace existing inefficient technology in the oil and gas industry. Vision alignment, operational effi-ciency and positive company culture will nurture the existing talent within the company to manufacture high-performance, high-quality and reliable products.
NETZSCH has been in the progressive cavity pumps market for more than 60 years, and Frost & Sullivan finds that close partnerships with end users have given NETZSCH the knowledge of various processes, which led it to design a suitable product that meets all of the end-user require-ments, as well as in upstream as mid and downstream applications.
Oil and gas is a critical process industry, as it cannot afford downtime. Hence, the reliability and quality of a pump play important roles in ensuring that the process is problem-free. Frost & Sullivan analysis confirms that NETZSCH offers products that are highly reliable and dependable. Moreover, NETZSCH uses advanced testing facilities to ascertain that all pumps perform satisfactorily before they are installed onsite. Unlike other manufacturers, NETZSCH has a dedicated consulting team, technical team and spare-parts team that make sure the best customised solution is built and delivered on time for each application.
In addition, NETZSCH’s service and maintenance contracts are proactive, rather than reactive. NETZSCH has global presence with an extensive distributor network in all of the major re-gions. This enables NETZSCH to provide around-the-clock services and ensure that down-time is minimised. NETZSCH’s technicians document every aspect regarding its customers and the products to make sure the products are serviced on time. This shows NETZSCH’s commitment to reliability and quality.
Frost & Sullivan notes that NETZSCH has continuously developed innovative technologies that aid end users with their current challenges. This close look at the customers’ requirements and the benefits that really count for their application has made and kept NETZSCH the world market leader for progressing cavity pumps over the years. Together with joint venture partner Heishin in Japan, they hold 28% of the global market share.
The oil and gas industry is highly competitive. To remain competitive and profitable, end users focus on increasing operational excellence and process efficiency. To enhance the cost-effectiveness of its pumps, NETZSCH has automated the process to make standardisation and documentation easier. Frost & Sullivan’s research reveals that by investing heavily in research and development, NETZSCH has developed effective solutions that reduce operational costs and increase process efficiency.
The most difficult and challenging parts of developing a company are management and leadership. Interaction between management principles and efficient leadership is of vital im-portance. Frost & Sullivan states that NETZSCH’s executive team seamlessly interacts with its employees so that goals are clarified, measured and met. This has helped the company avoid strategic risks. NETZSCH has set an example by excelling in all the above-mentioned factors and this has helped transform NETZSCH into one of the leading progressive pump manufacturers in the world.
Frost & Sullivan’s independent analysis of the oil and gas industry clearly shows NETZSCH’s commitment to matching the needs of its customers with highly reliable products has strategically positioned it in this market.
NETZSCH has achieved vision alignment by nurturing the engineering talents within the company to create a great company culture. Due to these factors, NETZSCH has successful-ly gained a large customer base globally and, at the same time, has created a strong brand value. For these reasons, Frost & Sullivan presents the 2014 Global Product Leadership Award in Progressive Cavity Pumps for Oil and Gas to NETZSCH.
Image: NETZSCH receives the 2014 Global Product Leadership Award in Progressive Cavity Pumps for Oil and Gas from Foster & Sullivan. Photo: courtesy of NETZSCH.