Ab Sjöbloms Gräv is a family business started in 1950 in Jakobstad, Finland. Today, they have 35 employees. They offer services to many sectors such as agriculture, construction, timber transportation, and special railway track construction to name a few.
In the winter, they plow snow from roads and real estate areas. Until now, they have used halogen lights on their vehicles, but changed the driving lights to NORDIC LIGHTS Sculptor LEDs.
- The illumination is similar to car lights, as snow doesn’t stick on the lens when plowing in high speeds
- The Nordic Lights Sculptor LED’s provides improved visibility. These lights don’t need maintenance all the time, don’t become dirty in rain or snowfall, and save a lot of time
Nordic Lights® Sculptor LED driving lights are optimal for hard conditions, enabling drivers to travel at maximum speed on the highways.
"With the Nordic Lights Sculptor LED driving lights, the visibility in snowfall is truly amazing," says Johnny.