The world has rapidly changed in the past years, and this forced many businesses to rethink and redesign their business models, from sales, to manufacturing and deliveries. IMA Engineering embraced this challenge and quickly adapted to the current situation by delivering, installing and monitoring all of our products remotely. Our mission has always been the same: Increase productivity in mining while helping our customers to move towards more sustainable mining practices.
Since the beginning of 2021, we have seen an increase in demand for our data-driven mining technology, especially for IMACON slurry analyzers and IMA FCA (Fast Conveyor Analyzer) for belt applications and IMA BOSS – Bulk Ore Sorting System for ore pre-concentration. This month we are delivering and remotely installing IMACON and FCA for applications and solutions in Peru, Chile and South Africa.
Looking for smart mining solutions to help you increase operational efficiency in mines? Contact us for a free consultation and learn more what IMA technology can do for you.