RAMJACK’s remote operations centre (rROC) is a collaborative programme for 24/7 real-time monitoring of mission-critical production and safety systems for mines. The programme utilises RAMJACK’s specialised mining technology experts, a dedicated integrated remote operations facility with state-of-the-art technology, and a series of proprietary processes and workflows to improve the performance of key indicators for both open-pit and underground mining operations.
The rROC programme is provided as a full-time, contracted service to mines and mining contractors alike as a means to optimise the performance of real-time production and safety systems for the mining industry. It introduces – and executes – a cyclical, continuous improvement process to monitor, manage and optimise mission critical mining systems with guaranteed results… including results such as:
- Improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- Reduced operational delays & increased productivity
- Reduced downtime & increased machine availability
- Enhanced data quality & improved trust in reported results
- Better safety performance & improved operator behaviour
- Improved job performance & knowledge transfer effectiveness
Mines across the globe realise the challenges of overcoming these issues and have come to appreciate the specialised training, relevant operations experience and technical aptitude (all difficult to find and even more difficult to retain) required to realise value from their complicated real-time systems.
To address these issues, RAMJACK has combined its expertise in best-in-class technology to create a facility that addresses all of the typical challenges associated with realising value from real-time systems in surface and underground mines.
For decades, mines across the globe have faced the same barriers to success when implementing real-time operational technology solutions:
- Misalignment of activities and desired outcomes;
- Low level of knowledge transfer during deployment;
- Unclear responsibilities for value generation;
- Difficulty ingraining technology in work processes and operating procedures;
- Little or no improvement in the overall quality of decision-making
RAMJACK’s rROC programme bridges the gap between technology expertise and mine operations with a proprietary programme dedicated to realising the true value of real-time technology solutions.
RAMJACK guarantees the performance of the rROC by ensuring a dedication to continuous improvement for the entire life of mine, including:
- Regular technology reviews to ensure the right technology is always in-place and evolving with the needs of the mine;
- Knowledge transfer processes to ensure a seamless transition of skills when experienced staff members leave;
- Regular Steering Committee meetings and Project Charter evolutions to emphasise a continuous improvement cycle.
- Remote Operations Centre Services
- Remote Operations Centre Services
- Every rROC programme includes:
A scoping workshop used to define the desired outcomes of the programme;
- A Program Charter documenting the responsibilities, stages and milestones;
- A Communication Protocol defining the communication flow for the programme;
- A formal Knowledge Transfer Programme that goes far beyond on-the-job training;
- 24/7 monitoring of real-time systems from RAMJACK’s rROC facility in Johannesburg, South Africa
Once operational, every rROC programme includes a designated team of expert resources executing tried and tested processes and workflows to deliver on the mandate of the Project Charter, defined in the Ramp-up phase. As the KPIs are met and the mandate is achieved, the Project Charter evolves to ensure continuous improvement from the contracted rROC service.
Why Does It Matter?
Maximising sustainable and safe production is the most important strategic imperative for the mining industry. Technology is the key enabler to achieving the required results. But, getting technology right in the mining industry isn’t an easy task and mines around the world have struggled to realise value from their operations technology for decades.
Just as mining companies choose contractors to help them safely and efficiently mine their assets, both mine operations and contractors need support from “operational technology contractors” to realise the promised value from their technology solutions. Finding a way to successfully bridge the gap between the colliding worlds of mining and technology is essential to achieving the sustainability, safety and productivity targets the industry requires.
Using best-of-breed solutions, decades of experience with real-time technology, and RAMJACK’s unique rROC programme, achieving the strategic imperatives of the mining industry is finally achievable. Not only that, but the key attributes of the rROC programme allow RAMJACK the confidence to guarantee value realisation from any real-time production or safety system in a mine (open pit or underground).
If your mine could benefit from having expert resources engaged with your operations 24/7, then RAMJACK’s contracted rROC service may be for you. Contact your nearest RAMJACK office to arrange a time to explore how the rROC can help your mine with:
- Real-time vehicle health monitoring and predictive maintenance;
- Real-time dispatching of mobile equipment and resources;
- Real-time fatigue monitoring, management and intervention;
- Real-time monitoring of instruments and instrument data;
- Real-time production management & Key Performance Indicator monitoring