On-line Mine by IMA Engineering combines sampling and analysis technologies into a single solution.
The technology allows mine geologists to combine exploration data with Analyze-While-Drilling and MWD data in a database software tool, such as Acquire, for grade control planning. Users can then use the information to reduce waste rock dilution, detect possible ore losses, help prevent sulphides in the waste rock, and increase the ore value and mine’s profit.
On-line Mine is a combination of IMA’s technologies, including:
- Sampler-Analyzer-Technology
- Analyze-While-Drilling concept
- Blast hole sampler-analyzer technologies
- On-line Drill Core Analysis technologies
- Fast Conveyor Analysis technologies
- Automated mine data collation and analysis
Contact the company for more information about mine planning solutions.
Image: The On-line Mine solution gives operators the powert to manage the entire exploration process online. Photo: courtesy of IMA Engineering.