Putzmeister is launching a new 3D simulator-based training course for wet-mix shotcrete equipment operators.
The course, based on the operation of Putzmeister’s shotcrete equipment SPM 500 Wetkret, is designed both for new as well as experienced operators, allowing them to learn and correct potential existing bad habits in a safe working environment.
The content and technology of the course have been developed together with Edvirt, the leading Swedish provider of simulation training technology for the tunnelling and mining industries.
SPM 500 Wetkret, which boasts a maximum vertical reach of 17m, has proved its mettle in numerous key tunnel projects worldwide. All of the equipment’s functionalities are regulated by remote control. This same remote is used for the 3D simulator operator training course.
The correct application of shotcrete is critical to ensure a safe working environment for operators; generating substantial reductions in the project delivery timeline and the unnecessary usage of concrete, while protecting the machinery park from damages related to its incorrect use.
3D simulator-based training has become a pivotal tool in industries such as the military and aviation, as it provides a life-like approach to learning in a safe, waste-free virtual environment, without the associated costs of shotcreting live onsite. A highly skilled shotcrete operator can help reduce unnecessary concrete waste during application by around 20%, according to data compiled by Edvirt.
The course, which totals 40 hours of training, covers both the theory and practice of concrete spraying, including washing of the rock surface, spraying of different tunnel and mining environments, and limiting the rebound rate, all in a safe working environment.
The course can be complemented with an Advanced Level Training Module that offers more in-depth training, focusing on the spraying and filling of over-breaks, spraying on mesh and steel girders, the setting of concrete through multi-layered spraying, as well as slope stabilisation, etc.
Upon satisfactory completion of the course, operators receive a Putzmeister SPM 500 Wetkret Operator Certificate; as well as the internationally recognised Edvirt® Sprayed Concrete Operator Training (ESCOT™) certificate.
Skilled operators with at least three years demonstrable working experience may apply to secure the European Federation for Specialist Construction Chemicals and Concrete Systems (EFNARC) Nozzlemen Certification in conjunction with the course.
For the client’s greater convenience, the course is offered globally, ranging from the client’s headquarters to the most remote mine.