Two large radials, for primary and secondary desliming duties, each with five 80-way 2in Hydrocyclone Mushroom assemblies, individual underflow launders, and an overflow collection tank, were recently despatched to Peru.
Treating a combined flowrate of 1,900m³/h tin tailings, the design has the flexibility to handle any increase in production capacity with minimum disruption. One Mushroom assembly per radial acts as a standby and a sixth Mushroom assembly can be added to either or both of the radials at a later date.
The client has been operating our 4in, 60mm and 2in Hydrocyclones over many years and Mushroom assemblies are a very compact way of housing the multiple hydrocyclones required for this application. With 800 Hydrocyclones, ten underflow launders and two large collection tanks, valves and ancillary parts, project management logistics were interesting!