IMA drill core scanning technology is used on-site or in drill core storage to speed-up exploration, and to reduce the need to send all the samples to the laboratory (Scanmobile service through Mine On-Line Service).
Shorter time-to-mine and cost savings in exploration with automated and fast drill core scanning technology. Ideal for bulk drill core logging.
IMA partner Mine On-Line Service (MOLS) company is analyzing drill cores with it’s Scanmobile lab at the Geological Survey of Finland’s (GTK) national drill core storage. The Scanmobile houses IMA scanning XRF analyzer for elemental analysis of cores in their boxes. The analysis data is combined with core digital images and rock quality (RQD index) from the core images. The result, a digitised core storage is delivered via MOLS Remolog™ remote logging browser near real-time to the end users of the data.
This EIT Raw Materials EUROCORE – (European Core Sample Collection for Master Training) project is participated by major European Universities and research institutions. Regarding the evolution of the in situ analysis tools, EUROCORE project wants to assist the mining industry by teaching students (Master, PhD), and mining companies staff on the use of this innovative ‘in-situ’ analytical technology for analyzing drill core samples.
Finnish Geological Survay manages national drill core storage in Loppi (Southern Finland). This storage holds more than 3,000km of drill core samples from all explored and known ore bodies in Finland.
There is now a plan and objective to digitise this storage to invite both domestic and foreign investors to Finland, known as mining friendly country.
IMA drill core scanning technology is already in use in Loppi.