An MSR120

Reutech Mining is proud to announce it recently commissioned the world’s first MSR120 radar module (RM) in North America.

The MSR120 RM is part of the short range product family of the movement and surveying radar (MSR) products. It provides the user with the real aperture radar (RAR) functionality of its long range siblings, at a fraction of the cost.

Regional marketing and sales manager Alex Pienaar said: "We believe in providing our clients with cost effective solutions without compromising on what we offer in terms of features and functionality.

"By offering the radar module as a standalone option, we are able to cut one-off sales costs as well as recurring service costs."

The MSR120 RM is lightweight and can be mounted on a variety of non-level platforms including a standard light delivery vehicle or trailer.

This is ideal for clients who require a radar solution as a fixed permanent installation with the added option of unlimited mobility and multiple energy sources.

The MSR120 offers significantly faster scan speeds than the current average in all mining applications, reduced service intervals, higher 3D spatial resolutions and a greater coverage area, even at short distances.

Full operational scans from 30m to 1,200m and upgradable add-on modules are also available.

Image: An MSR120 deployed as a permanent fixed installation on a trailer. Photo: courtesy of Reutech Mining.