
Clarofy is a modern data science application that enables process plant operators, engineers and analysts in delivering fast, high-value results to their organisations.

Perform graphical analysis with ease through a seamless and simple to use workflow.

What can Clarofy do for you

Explore relationships

Clarofy helps you explore relationships between your plant operating variables and update your operating strategies.

Predict and Optimise

Clarofy helps you build predictive process models and optimization solutions to drive your plant through data-driven decisions.

Automate workflows

With Clarofy, you can save and load common workflows, upload new data and reuse those workflows saving time.

Share insights

Generate reports and share the insights with your workmates. You Communicate what you want.

Key functionalities that will make your life easier

  • Explore your data and uncover trends: quick and easy visualisation of your plant data through Graphical Analysis
  • Evaluate trial results and discover the real story: automated interpretation allows you to understand your data and make the right decisions
  • Control and direct your analyses: integration allows the common operation of controlling a variable for the effect of another
  • Produce reports easily: you decide what you want to include in your report