2022: So far In Venture Capital
By GlobalData
Global investment in 2022 has been majorly dominated by North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, whereas the Middle East, and South and Central America have recorded low investments comparatively. In light of this, Europe and North America have been identified as the major destinations for Private Equity and Venture Capital (PE/VC) investments.
GlobalData’s whitepaper analyzes which sectors PE/VC firms have been investing in, looking at Technology, Media, and Telecom, with these sectors recording $356 billion and a deal volume of over 10,000 deals in 2022. Healthcare, Financial Services, Business & Consumer Services, and Construction sectors have also seen high investment activity by PE/VC firms, recording a deal value of over $70 billion each.
But what can this mean for you?
Understand how the Deals Database on GlobalData Explorer can be leveraged to:
- Track the Aggregate Investment Volumes in PE/VC-Stage firms across geographies and sectors, in addition to viewing the specific deals that drove these volumes
- Identify the top investors already active in any sector-Geography combinations
- Assess the Performance of Financial and Legal Advisors, supporting the Dealmaking in any segment of choice (Customizable League tables)
- Understand what is driving the PE/VC fundraising (Deal Rationale)