America’s premier supplier of Martin Sprocket & Gear: products: Carroll Technologies provides a customized solution, optimized and integrated with other leading systems.
Martin provides industry-leading power transmission and material handling solutions, with an extensive inventory for any mining or tunnelling application.
Customised products include forgings, castings, injection moulded and milled plastics, and sintered metal. It also provides a range of conveyor pulleys, from heavy-duty drum pulleys to specially constructed pulleys, as well as a portfolio of idlers, including impact troughing idlers and live shaft idlers.
Martin’s comprehensive range of power transmission solutions includes sprockets, bushings, gears, synchronous sprockets, sheaves and coupling. Any material handling challenge can also be met, with solutions including screw conveyors, shaftless screw conveyor, bucket elevators, vertical screw elevators, drag conveyors and modular plastic conveyor screws.
We do not just supply Martin Sprocket & Gear products; we provide a complete design and installation service, specifically tailored to your needs. We also ensure that the installation is integrated with systems operated by other technology brands.
Post-purchase we offer a complete installation, servicing and repair service with 24/7 technical support. We also offer vendor-certified training courses for major equipment supplied by our distribution network of more than 70 mining safety manufactures, introducing participants to up-to-date best safety practises.
All services and products distributed through Carroll Technologies are supported by our technical team and meet Mine Safety and Health Administration specifications.
Our around the clock MineCare service is the most comprehensive support service available to the mining and tunnelling industry, building on more than thirty years of experience. Services including 24/6 on call technical support, factory authorised repair centres for an expanding range of manufacturers, an extensive spare parts inventory worth more than $7 million, and industry-leading repair processes that are guaranteed to meet or exceed MSHA requirements.
This article was first published on Carroll Technologies

Martin Sprocket D6-35TI-42 Trougher Equal Impact Idler