America’s premier supplier of ICOM radios: Carroll Technologies provides a customized solution, optimized and integrated with other leading systems.
We provide a comprehensive range of radio communication solutions, specialising in mining and tunnelling operations.
ICOM supplies the IC-F3202DEX/F4202DEX digital two-way radio series, which is designed for use in mining, oil and chemical industries. ICOM Communication systems ensure safety in large facilities and adverse environments. They offer a number of safety features, including lone worker and man-down functions.
The lone worker function detects if a radio has been operational for a set period of time. If a button is not pressed after a notification sound is triggered, an emergency signal is transmitted. The man-down function sends an emergency signal if it is left in a horizontal position.
All products and services supplied through Carroll Technologies are MSHA approved and supported by a qualified and experienced product support team.
Carroll Technologies is ideally positioned to ensure the safe and efficient operations of more than 800 mines across North America, with more than thirty years of experience supplying safety solutions to the mining and tunnelling industry.
Carroll’s expert team offers 24/7 MinerCare support for all your installation needs, as well as around the clock support for maintenance and repairs. With our expanding network of manufacturers, extensive range of mining technology repair components worth more than $7 million, and our 13 distribution centres, our team can deal with any problems that may occur.
Our rapid response services guarantee that equipment will be repaired or delivered to a mine in an emergency situation, such as critical machine breakdown or mine fires.
Our mining consultancy services include factory authorised repair, cover product support, communications network design and rapid response safety compliance. Carroll Technologies ensures that operators select the most efficient equipment, fully optimised for the application and site conditions.
This article was first published on Carroll Technologies