Hard hats for mines and tunnelling operations are an essential investment, and there is no room for compromise when it comes to quality. What a customer demands from these products will depend on the application, whether that requires lighting solutions or hearing protection, the top priority is keeping workers safe.

Carroll Technologies has built its mining safety expertise on more than 30 years of experience serving more 800 mines in North America. With a comprehensive range of hard hats from a selection of trusted manufacturers, Carroll will stock or be able to customise a solution for your mining or tunnelling operation.

“We have been supplying hard hats for mines and tunnelling for many years,” explains Carroll Technologies president Allen Haywood. “We carry all styles that are needed for both mining and construction industries.

“Some have rims that go all the way around, some of them are equipped for cap lights to be attached to them, some have ear muff hearing protection attached. We have hard hats for any applications. We can also have hard hats custom made, we can order my colour or add company logos.”

Hard hats for mines and tunnelling purchased through Carroll Technologies are also protected by MinerCare 24/7, including technical support, spare parts, and factory-authorized repair.

Hard hats and associated products available through Carroll include:

  • MPS Centurion Vision hard hat
  • MPS Centurion Spectrum hard hat
  • MSA Hard hats for cap lamps (in various colors)
  • MSA full brim hats
  • Metal clips/ratchets from MSA

For more information about hard hats for mines and tunnels, or to purchase custom solutions for your mine, call Carroll Technologies on 606-573-1000 or send an enquiry here. Additionally, selected products can be purchased through the online mining store:

This article was first published on Carroll Technologies