
Miner Elastomer Products had a busy month while exhibiting at the Society for Mining and Engineering show in Denver, Colorado, and CONEXPO in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. We had a great time at both of these shows and we met a lot of new contacts in the mining, construction and aggregate industries. There was a total of 136,325 attendees for both of these shows and numerous speakers presented on different topics within these markets.

During these show’s we featured our TecsPak® mining components and general line products. TecsPak® was well received during both of these shows. We were able to show visitors how versatile our products are in each of these different markets. For example, our heavy radial bumpers can be used in the suspension of many different types of construction equipment. These products can also be used in the mining industry as well for haul truck body isolators and steering stops. Our TecsPak® suspensions can also be used on a wide range of vehicles. These suspensions are virtually maintenance free and reduce truck down-time to help optimize your vehicle’s production output.

Another featured product was our dependable and durable wheel chocks. Everyone was impressed with how lightweight our chocks were and they were blown away after seeing our chocks survive an accidental run over by a 789 mining haul truck. Miner Elastomer Products wheel chocks are built to withstand harsh working environments up to 125°F to -40°F. and come in five different sizes for class 1-8 vehicles all the way up to a 240 ton mining haul truck. These chocks also meet MSHA and OSHA specifications as well. Last of all MEPC is still offering a 10% discount for any new customers on their first order of wheel chocks.

Miner Elastomer Products would like to thank everyone that stopped by our booth to learn more about our proprietary TecsPak® products. You helped make these two shows a tremendous success for MEPC!