
Minera Fresnillo, a subsidiary of Peñoles, located in north-west Mexico, was experiencing endless headaches with their diaphragm pumps. Minera is dosing aerophine, xanthate, sodium cyanide, and copper sulfate into flotation tanks. Unfortunately, the diaphragm pumps were in need of constant and costly maintenance due to the obstruction of the valves, damaged diaphragms, and leaks, which lead to a reduction of productivity.

After the local Watson-Marlow Bredel representative consulted with Minera Fresnillo, they purchased seventeen 521CC and 621CC pumps. Since our pumps have no valves to get blocked and virtually eliminate hazardous chemical leaks to the environment, the mine is very pleased. The added benefit of the pumps’ smoother flow and quick response is just the icing on the cake.

Due to the high accuracy rate of Watson-Marlow Bredel tube pumps, Minera has seen substantial savings in chemical usage. Quick and easy in-the-field maintenance is a plus that engineers at the mine appreciate. All of the benefits mentioned lead Minera Fresnillo to order 30 additional pumps.