Flexco is proud to introduce the latest offering in its line of belt cleaners, the Motorized Brush Cleaner. Designed to effectively clean chevron, cleated and raised-rib belts, the new Motorized Brush Cleaner is also useful on worn or pitted vulcanised or mechanically spliced belts.
For optimal cleaning performance, the brush spins opposite the direction of the belt while the uniquely patterned polypropylene bristles reduce material build-up by effectively dislodging trapped material from the belt.
Available in sizes to fit belt widths of 18in to 84in, the Motorized Brush Cleaner is ideal for use in pulp and paper, coal, sand and gravel, platinum, chrome and scrap metal applications.
Adjustable tensioners allow easy brush-to-belt modification as the bristles wear. The simple design of the cleaner also makes replacing brushes fast and easy.
The Motorized Brush Cleaner is ideal as the second or third cleaner in a system that may already use a Flexco pre-cleaner, or a secondary cleaner on a non-cleated belt.
For more information on these cleaners and other Flexco products, visit the company website.
Image: Flexco Motorized Brush Cleaners are designed for cleated, chevron belts, whether new or worn. Photo: courtesy of Flexco.