An ABEM customer has released the following review:
"I would like to mention, currently I am still using my original 1999 model SAS1000/ES4 4-64 that I bought from ABEM after the Cape Town International Association of Hydrogeology (IAH) conference back in 1999 where you had your display.
This instrument still works every day. Siting water boreholes in rural areas for SA Government infrastructure and development programmes and is doing extremely well and the results thereof are helping many poor people with water.
I have sited over 2,000 boreholes with your instrument over the past 14 years. Each borehole provides on average 250 people with water, so just to let you know, this particular instrument is so far helping at least 500,000 people with water in South Africa every day."
Rae Bester Inc, South Africa.
Image: The 1999 SAS1000/ES4 4-64 instrument is helping 250 people in South Africa access water every day. Photo: courtesy of ABEM.