Hexagon Mining will preview new and improved safety technology at MINExpo in Las Vegas, 26-28 September.
Attendees can get a first look at the company’s Vehicle Intervention System (VIS), which adds a powerful layer of protection to its highly popular Collision Avoidance System (CAS). Also in the spotlight will be the next generation of FatigueMonitor, computer-vision technology that monitors operators while they drive to prevent fatigue-related incidents.
Mines are dangerous places. Heavy traffic, large equipment, fatigue, and poor visibility all create the potential for accidents. VIS assists the operator and takes control of a machine in certain situations if the operator does not react appropriately to a CAS warning. Similarly, FatigueMonitor prevents incidents by alerting drivers and management to the early stages of fatigue. It’s a compact dashboard-mounted unit that unobtrusively analyses vehicle movements and detects operator distraction.
Both solutions are formidable additions to CAS, which is now used in more than 25,000 vehicles in 55 countries.
"Our safety solutions minimise the two major causes of accidents in a mine, blind spots and fatigue," said Hexagon Mining president, Hélio Samora. "This integrated technology is essential to our mission of helping companies run safer, more productive mines."
At Hexagon Mining’s Booth 4133, there will be previews of other new solutions from the company’s operations, planning, and safety suites.