Dragflow supplied a new cutterhead (DTM85), with hydraulic pump (HY85HC) for a beach reclamation project in Bibione, Italy.
It is the first successful installation of Dragflow’s new cutterhead.
The client was satisfied with the production and the efficiency.
The Dragflow dredge cutterhead is a custom-engineered system. The company’s dredging specialists carefully analyse customer requirements and operating conditions to arrive at the design criteria; cutter profile, size, beta, arm quantity and shape, tooth size, tooth orientation.
Furthermore, the combination of the cutterhead with the agitator avoids any clogging problem at the pump suction.
New Dragflow’s cutterhead can be used with every Dragflow’s hydraulic pumps and can increase the efficiency particularly in presence of hard and compact material.
With this cutterhead, is now complete Dragflow’s excavating tools series, including auger, water jet ring and side excavators, both hydraulic and electric.
Image: Dragflow cutterhead performing beach reclamation work. Photo: courtesy of Dragflow.