On 21 May 2018, Derisk Director and Principal Geologist Mark Berry was interviewed by Yasmin Jonkers of Singapore’s MONEY FM 89.3 on a range of issues related to the global exploration and mining industry.
During the 15-minute radio interview, Yasmin and Mark discussed a wide-range of topics, including the importance of mining; how Singapore companies are currently involved in the minerals industry together with new business opportunities for the Singapore and regional market; ethical and environmental concerns surrounding the industry and how they are managed and perceived; when will the world run out of mineral resources; as well as a broad discussion on current global markets.
Yasmin also questioned Mark on Derisk’s business model and the positive impacts it has on our client base. The business model is based on a digital office-less structure, a small core team of staff, and an extensive associate base of trusted and experienced mining consultants located globally. This model significantly reduces Derisk’s overheads with cost savings passed directly to our clients. The Derisk ethos is reinforced by its maxim of ‘Providing Tier One advice and services without the Tier One price tag’.
To listen to the interview in full, please visit the Derisk website.