Saving time and labour, patented DUCKBILL® earth anchors work like toggle bolts in soil. They are driven into the ground with no holes, no digging, and minimal soil disturbance creating a safe and environmentally sensitive installation. With an upward pull, the anchor tendon rotates the DUCKBILL into a perpendicular “anchor lock” position in undisturbed soil resulting in superior holding capacities.
The DUCKBILL offers the most effective, lightweight, economical solution to any anchoring application, from large to small. Applications include tree support, theft deterrence, turf reinforcement, securing portable buildings, garden sheds, tie downs and more.
DUCKBILLS are manufactured from aluminium alloys and are also available in galvanized ductile iron for hard rocky soils.
We offer DUCKBILL Earth Anchors ranging from light to medium duty holding capacities. DUCKBILL Earth Anchors can be cabled with a variety of tendons. From galvanized aircraft cable for normal usage to stainless steel for superior corrosion resistance, DUCKBILL can adapt to all your needs.
Maximum Stability with Minimal Soil Disturbance
Saving time and labour, patented DUCKBILL® earth anchors work like toggle bolts in soil. They are driven into the ground with no holes, no digging, and minimal soil disturbance creating a safe and environmentally sensitive installation. With an upward pull, the anchor tendon rotates the DUCKBILL into a perpendicular “anchor lock” position in undisturbed soil, resulting in superior holding capacities.
So, whether you are looking for DUCKBILL anchors for portable buildings, tie-downs, etc., we have got you covered. The DUCKBILL offers the most effective, lightweight, economical solution to any anchoring application, from large to small. Applications include tree support, theft deterrence, tree rootball kits, turf reinforcement, securing portable buildings, garden sheds and more.
DUCKBILLS are manufactured from aluminium alloys and are also available in galvanized ductile iron for hard rocky soils.
Ideal for rocky or hard soils, or for use with power installation equipment. DUCKBILL anchor, used for medium holding capacities is cabled with 3.2mm (1/8 inch). For more aggressive soil, it can be cabled with 6mm galvanised or stainless steel cable.
Ideal for rocky or hard soils, or for use with power installation equipment. DUCKBILL anchor, used for medium holding capacities is cabled with 6mm (1/4 inch). For more aggressive soil, it can be cabled with stainless steel cable or 8mm galvanised or stainless steel cable
Ideal for rocky or hard soils, or for use with power installation equipment. The largest of the DUCKBILL anchors, used for medium holding capacities is cabled with 8mm (5/16 inch). For more aggressive soil, it can be cabled with stainless steel cable.
The smallest DUCKBILL anchor, used for light holding capacities is cabled with 1.6mm (1/16 inch) cable. For more aggressive soil, it can be cabled with 3.2mm (1/8 inch) cable.
The next smallest DUCKBILL anchor, used for medium holding capacities is cabled with 3.2mm (1/8 inch). For more aggressive soil, it can be cabled with 6mm cable.
The most common of the DUCKBILL anchors, the anchor is cabled with 6 mm cable. For more aggressive soil, it can be cabled with 8mm (5/16 inch) cable.
The largest of the DUCKBILL anchors, the anchor is cabled with an 8mm (5/16 inch) cable. This is anchor is installed with a small jackhammer.