The Australian Federal government’s recent economic stimulus package increased the threshold for Instant Asset Write-off for companies with an annual turnover of less than $500m, up from $50m.
DomeShelter™ Fabric Structures up to $150,000 that are installed and in use prior to June 30 qualify as an asset that can be written off in this tax period. There is no limit to the number of shelters that can be purchased under this initiative. Previously the limit for this scheme was $30,000.
The increase in eligibility is designed with a raft of other measures to stimulate the Australian economy and provide a buffer and road to recovery from the consequences of the Covid 19 virus sweeping Australia and the world.
DomeShelter’s order book is keeping up and sales are looking good to date, with many companies ordering before June 30 to take advantage of the Instant Asset Write-Off scheme.
DomeShelter™ Fabric Structures are renowned for the speed they can be ordered, manufactured and delivered to site in kit form for installation. Widely used by some of the worlds leading mining companies as a modern alternative to steel building, they are easier to order, quicker and cheaper to deliver to site and quick and easy to install.
The new 3D Design Your Own Shelter program is also proving a valuable asset as it provides a platform for buyers to create a virtual 3D model of their preferred shelter configuration before they contact DomeShelter Australia. A high percentage of users are sending their design straight to the DomeShelter™ Team for quoting.
For further information on installing a workshop or warehouse fabric structure, contact DomeShelter Australia.