Rainstorm Dustmag

Dustmag is in high demand across Australia as an extremely effective quarterly treatment for road dust control and compaction.

Dustmag requires no watering for 100 days after application which is ideal for remote areas, removing daily road maintenance.

Dustmag improves free-rolling resistance, fuel efficiency, gear life for tyres, filters, and engines by reducing dust and maintaining optimum surface condition.

Cost per square metre per day

Rainstorm has developed unit cost calculators analysing cost per square metre per day. Rainstorm combines unit cost data with dust emissions measurement systems quantifying air particulates GPS mapped to roads, to determine the effectiveness of dust control treatments.

Mason from Rainstorm says "Reducing Operating Costs is key in the current market. So much is boiling down to a cost per square metre on mining and civils projects. Every dollar spend counts, and performance is key, which is why we are having such good success with Dustmag and our high-performance range."

Four key areas: Roads. Open areas. Materials handling. Site rehab

Rainstorm has been developing high-performance dust systems for 30 years, and builds on projects in four key areas; roads, open areas, materials handling, and site rehabilitation. Mason says "We like to scope out and design a whole of site strategy to dust control that fits our client’s budget and needs, we plan applications carefully alongside unit cost analysis to sort out dust issues on site. We spend time with our clients and supply a compete range of dust control additives. Customers want to measure apples for apples when choosing dust control materials."

Knowing the cost of running trucks and the cost of water

Rainstorm encourages clients to balance the scales of total road maintenance cost, with and without Dustmag. "We want our clients to quantify their spend per square metre of road per day for maintenance and dust control."

"The cost of water and the cost of running trucks is a big expense. Clients save a fortune on their roads, with fit for purpose Dustmag or water extender treatments," Mason says that without unit cost analysis, the only report is a thumbs up or thumbs down approach, whereas clients now have the option to utilise technology and scientific analysis to determine dust control material effectiveness.

How DustMag Works:

DustMag is a hydroscopic material providing high performance road compaction and dust control. Dustmag is supplied in bulk or in 1,000l IBCs. Application is straight-forward, requiring a grade-trim to the road surface, pre-watering, then the DustMag application.

Site traffic continues during application. After application, there is no watering. Rainstorm produces Dustmag in Australia, in the north-west and eastern states, and haul to mining and civils projects from Broome to Broken Hill.