
Derisk is pleased to announce it has joined Austmine and shares Austmine’s ethos of developing, promoting and supporting the METS sector. We look forward to participating in the benefits of our membership.

Despite the vagaries of a boom-bust industry cycle, Australia’s METS sector is innovative, thriving, dynamic and world-leading. The sector generates over $90 billion annually in revenue, employs 400,000 people and exports to more than 200 countries.

Austmine works to make a difference to the METS sector and to our members by:

  • Encouraging innovation and best practice within the METS sector and wider mining industry
  • Influencing business growth and competitiveness
  • Fostering a community of like-minded peers, who care about the future of our sector
  • Championing collaboration between METS, miners and researchers
  • Driving meaningful relationships and partnerships
  • Working towards a sustainable and competitive future, with integrity and passion.

For more information, please contact Derisk Geomining Consultants or visit the Austmine web site.