
Providing a suitable sewage treatment facility for your mine site can be very challenging when the closest town infrastructure is located hundreds of kilometres away. That’s where Elementz MemPak containerised treatment plants come into play, with a range of options tuned to your site requirements and water treatment quality needs.

Treatment options

Models are specifically designed to treat waste to either Class A or Class B standards, providing high-quality effluent suitable for a variety of reuse applications. All Elementz MemPak system are scalable to handle flows of up to 500kL/day using a 4-step treatment train, with an optional UV sterilisation step also available. Packaged with innovative features, the Elementz MemPak Series ensures optimum operational efficiency using our advanced self-monitoring control system.

Fully containerised

Packaged in a container, the systems bioreactor tanks are housed within the container structure, and safely accessed from a roof-mounted platform. Pumps, blowers, dosing and controls, are housed within the climate-managed control room in the front portion of the container.

Automated and remote control

The brain of the Elementz system is our Activait PLC, which is pre-programmed to manage your project-specific needs, self-monitoring and adjusting for optimum performance, requiring minimal operator supervision. With full remote monitoring, system levels and operational data can be accessed via any smart device with internet access.

Design excellence

Engineered by our specialist in-house design team, MBR-Tech, the Elementz System is an AKS patented product.

To watch the system in action, please click here to watch our video.